Can you digest sawdust?
Online Answer
Sawdust usually contains about 40 percent cellulose, McDonald said. The stuff added to today's food is purified and safe to eat, but it doesn't have any lasting health benefits. It just passes through the body, maybe makes you more regular but that's it.
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Sawdust usually contains about 40 percent cellulose, McDonald said. The stuff added to today's food is purified and safe to eat, but it doesn't have any lasting health benefits. It just passes through the body, maybe makes you more regular but that's it.
Burger King, McDonald's, Taco Bell, Carl's Jr. and Wendy's all have items on their menus that contain this ingredient. Instead of seeing wood pulp listed in the nutrition information, you'll see cellulose. It's a common food additive, made of tiny pieces of wood pulp and plant fibers.
Burger King, McDonald's, Taco Bell, Carl's Jr. and Wendy's all have items on their menus that contain this ingredient. Instead of seeing wood pulp listed in the nutrition information, you'll see cellulose. It's a common food additive, made of tiny pieces of wood pulp and plant fibers.
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