How fast does spoiled milk make you sick?
Online Answer
A small sip of spoiled milk is unlikely to cause symptoms beyond a bad taste. Drinking larger amounts of spoiled milk can cause stomach distress resulting in abdominal cramping, vomiting and diarrhea (like a food-borne illness). In most cases, symptoms caused by drinking spoiled milk resolve within 12-24 hours.
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You don't need to worry if you accidentally ingest a small sip of spoiled milk, but avoid drinking it in large — or even moderate — quantities. Drinking spoiled milk can cause digestive distress, such as vomiting, abdominal cramping, and diarrhea.
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Milk is also rich in essential proteins and vitamin B that are good for the overall health of plants. Mix one portion of milk and one portion of water and transfer the concoction to a spray bottle. Spray the mixture on the leaves of the plants. Check after 30 minutes to ensure the milk is all absorbed.
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