How often should you put coffee grounds on roses?
Online Answer
Additionally, you can mix 3 parts coffee grounds with 1 part wood ash to mix into the soil around the plants. Finally, you can mix about a 1/2 pound of used grounds with 5 gallons of water for a mixture you can pour on the rose bushes about twice a month.
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Coffee grounds were a good start to getting them up and going, but I think a simple layer of organic compost should do the trick. I would suggest testing the pH of your soil just to be sure that you are keeping it in a friendly range for your plants before fertilizing.
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Instead, you should add grounds a few times a week to your top soil, and the amount will depend on the size of your gardening space. For a general idea, if you have a large pot with two or three tomato plants, you would add in about a scoop and a half to two scoops worth of grounds a week.
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