Is it better to have 2 parakeets?
Online Answer
For the most part, parakeets do better in pairs, but you will still have to be aware of a few key facts to have a successful pairing. As with most birds, parakeets are social animals, and they will prefer to be in a flock. ... While human companionship may be enough to keep a parakeet happy..
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What fruit can budgies eat? Budgies can eat banana, strawberries, apples, grapes, oranges, peaches, blueberry, pear, raisins, mango, melon (all varieties), nectarines, cherries (ensure you've removed the stone) and kiwis. Tropical fruits are also a favourite.
For the most part, parakeets do better in pairs, but you will still have to be aware of a few key facts to have a successful pairing. As with most birds, parakeets are social animals, and they will prefer to be in a flock. ... While human companionship may be enough to keep a parakeet happy..
Parakeets will not be harmed by wild bird seeds if they are offered in moderation. Wild bird seeds do not have the same standards of nutrition as parakeet feeds, so they should only be used as a treat. They are often full of fat, which can be harmful when consumed on a daily basis..
Yes, Parakeets can eat mango. Feeding your parakeet mango will provide them with plenty of vitamin C and vitamin A. ... First you need to cut open the mango and remove the pit. Mango pits are not poisonous, but they are rather large, so it's usually best to remove them before serving them to your parakeet..
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