Is lemon good for liver?

Online Answer
Lemons are rich in Vitamin C and protect liver from oxidative damage. You must drink lemon in warm water every morning to reap the best benefits or add it in Green Tea for a double dose of good health.
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The ability of Salmonella to survive over time on lemon or lime slices has not yet been verified, nor has potential transfer of Salmonella from contaminated garnish to beverage..
A-Ewan Cameron, medical director of the Linus Pauling Institute of Science and Medicine, answering the question about lemon juice and hot water, advises that Vitamin C in solution degenerates over time. This degeneration is faster in hotter solutions, but the Vitamin C is not instantly destroyed.Aug 11, 1988.
The four-fold increase in prices is, according to the industry, a result of multiple factors including a poor exchange rate, the global coronavirus pandemic and that it's off-season for lemons. ... So to make up the shortfall in other seasons, lemons are imported from the US and Egypt.
Healthline noted that lemons and limes typically contain approximately one gram of sugar per piece of fruit (lemons contain nearly one and a half grams). But they're also loaded with vitamin C, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, and more.
According to Hunnes, craving lemons has been associated with vitamin C deficiency and iron-deficiency anemia.