Should old radiators be replaced?
Online Answer
Over time the metal pipes and radiators in your heating system can rust, this rust is collected by the water running through your system and returned to the boiler where it can collect. This collection of debris is called 'sludge' and it's a good reason to replace old radiators..
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Contrary to popular belief, vertical radiators work just as well as their horizontal counterparts. ... Science has shown vertical radiators are in fact just as efficient, with a 5000 BTU vertical working just as well as a 5000 BTU horizontal. Yippee!.
8-12 yearsCentral heating engineers recommend that the average lifespan of a radiator is between 8-12 years. This could mean that any radiators in your home that are over 10 years old have stopped working efficiently are costing you more for a poorly heated household.
The radiator to bleed first Making sure your central heating is switched off, you should start with a downstairs radiator that is the furthest away from your boiler. Work your way through the radiators getting closer to the boiler, then go upstairs and repeat the process.
You should leave the heating on all day, rather than turning it on and off. Another common myth. Don't pay for heat that you're not using! If you are out during the day (or tucked up in bed at night), you don't need the heating on..
You need to shorten the curtains if you aren't going to accept NOT tucking them behind the radiator, even though it's wasting heat..
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