What are the benefits of chisel plowing?
Online Answer
Chisel plowing, followed by discing and/or field cultivation, furnishes most of the advantages of moldboard plow tillage with fewer of the disadvantages. Chisel plowing usually leaves soil surfaces looser, more cloddy and with 30-60% overwinter cover after corn but with little surface cover after soybeans..
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Chisel plowing, followed by discing and/or field cultivation, furnishes most of the advantages of moldboard plow tillage with fewer of the disadvantages. Chisel plowing usually leaves soil surfaces looser, more cloddy and with 30-60% overwinter cover after corn but with little surface cover after soybeans..
Horsepower requirement for chisel plows is 12 to 15 HP per shank..
I like to run around 6-6.2 mph to get the job done. This was spring 09, fall plowing 09 (includes sod turning) is coming soon.
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