What are the risks of genetically modified corn?
Online Answer
Rats fed either genetically engineered corn or the herbicide Roundup had an increased risk of developing tumors, suffering organ damage and dying prematurely, according to a new study that was immediately swept up into the furor surrounding crop biotechnology when it was released Wednesday.
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Rats fed either genetically engineered corn or the herbicide Roundup had an increased risk of developing tumors, suffering organ damage and dying prematurely, according to a new study that was immediately swept up into the furor surrounding crop biotechnology when it was released Wednesday.
Colored varieties such as purple Graffiti, orange Cheddar and stunning green Romanesco cauliflowers that are in many markets and produce aisles are now in a range of sizes. They are not genetically engineered but rather a mixture of heirloom varieties, naturally occurring accidents and the hybrids grown from them..
In the largest study of its kind to date, Cambridge researchers have looked at why some people manage to stay thin while others gain weight easily. They have found that the genetic dice are loaded in favour of thin people and against those at the obese end of the spectrum.
Originally white, the wild ancestors of the carrot likely came from central Asia. Global crop production of the root has quadrupled in the last 40 years and is today eaten everywhere in the world. There are currently no genetically modified carrots on the international market.
So, is all corn GMO? Yes, technically all corn on the planet has been modified by human activities – or, put simply, there's no such thing as non-GMO corn – but only around 80% of corn in the US has transgenes inserted by the modern technique of transgenesis.
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