What happens if I buy Battle Pass?
Online Answer
The Battle Pass has 100 tiers of content for you to progress through and earn once you've purchased the Battle Pass. To advance through these tiers, you simply play the game (either Warzone, or the full Modern Warfare experience), earn XP, and complete challenges, which give even more XP..
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The Battle Pass has 100 tiers of content for you to progress through and earn once you've purchased the Battle Pass. To advance through these tiers, you simply play the game (either Warzone, or the full Modern Warfare experience), earn XP, and complete challenges, which give even more XP..
If you haven't purchased your Battle Pass yet, or still need to unlock all your tiers, it's not too late! The current progression you've made will still be in effect when you purchase the Battle Pass. The tiers you passed will now be unlocked and those items will be added to your inventory.
Free Pass users won't be able to level up above 100. Only battlepass users can. ... that means doing the challenges and gaining xp and reaching another level was saved but not shown so you could actually buy the battlepass and get those lvls..
Unless you buy tiers, there's no way to reach tier 100. So do your daily challenges..
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