Why is my brisket stuck at 170 degrees?
Online Answer
Once the temperature does start to rise, it can go quickly. Moisture evaporating from the meat will then stall its temperature out, with the stall moving from the outer surface to the center.
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about 165-170 degrees FahrenheitAs your meat cooks, the temperature will steadily rise on the thermometer. Right at about 165-170 degrees Fahrenheit, the meat will "stall out." This means that the lamb shoulder will sit at this degree for a while as the fat begins to melt.
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Many have gotten away with it, but the rule states: You must get the internal temp from 40˚ to 140˚ (some say 135˚) in no longer than 4 hours. There is a special rule that says if you don't break the skin (IE---inject or probe) of a solid piece of meat, you can wave that rule.
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