Why you shouldn't eat yogurt at night?
Online Answer
Curd and yoghurt can actually impair digestion, if you have a weak digestive system and eat them at night. "People with digestion issues such as acidity, acid reflux or indigestion should avoid yoghurt or curd at night as it can cause constipation when the system is sluggish and sleep-ready.
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Greek yogurt Offering the perfect balance of protein, fat, and carbs, unsweetened Greek yogurt is one of the best foods you can eat before a night of drinking ( 14 ). Protein is especially key, as it's digested slowly and can minimize the effects of alcohol on your body by slowing its absorption ( 2 ).
No, we shouldn't eggs with curd as both contain proteins and it is better advised to eat one protein at a time for good health. ... You can eat anything with anything, and your head will not explode..
With sauces and soups that contain milk, boiling or simmering can cause the milk to curdle. While curdled milk is safe to eat, it is not particularly appetizing.
Cook on moderate heat, whisking constantly, until mixture becomes thick (mine was ready in 10 minutes). If you have a thermometer, it should register 170F/75C.
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