Can animals be killed painlessly?
Online Answer
Slaughter can be humane if an animal is protected from avoidable excitement, pain or suffering. ... If a stunning method does not cause instantaneous insensibility, the stunning must be non-aversive (ie must not cause fear, pain or other unpleasant feelings) to the animal..
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Animal fats are mostly saturated fat, which means they stand up better to high heat and last longer than vegetable fats. Reduced oxidation in animal fats means they are less susceptible to the toxins and carcinogens generated by using vegetable oil alone.
Some of the other animals which have been observed engaging in surplus killing include zooplankton, humans, damselfly naiads, predaceous mites, martens, weasels, honey badgers, jaguar, leopards, lions, spiders, brown bears, american black bears, polar bears, coyotes, lynxes, minks, raccoons and dogs..
Organ meats are full of nutrients, and are often pound-for-pound more nutritious than muscle meats. With the notable exceptions of tripe (intestines) and brains, most organ meats are good sources of numerous vitamins and minerals, including many of the B-Vitamins, iron, and zinc.
Explicit list
- Pig.
- Raven.
- Snail.
- Stork.
- Swine.
- Tortoise.
- Vulture.
- Weasel.
Because the seeds are so big the durian tree depends on large animals like elephants and rhinoceros to eat and disperse the seeds. The seeds are tough enough not to be damaged by chewing or digestive juices. Other animals, like monkeys, gibbons, fruit doves, tapirs, orangutans and man enjoy the fruit of the durian..
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