Can I use limp celery in soup?
Online Answer
Yes, you can. I do it all of the time. Honestly, the limp celery might be better than fresh, because it's lost a fair bit of the water already, making it cook down all the quicker..
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A quick soak in ice water for 5 to 10 minutes is often enough to reinvigorate wilted veggies. Bendy carrots will straighten right up, lettuce will crisp, and limp broccoli will find its strength again..
Limp sentence exampleShe held his limp hand and fought back panic. ... Charles was limp in his grip. ... He'll limp around for a week or so and then he'll be fine. ... He went limp , and she struggled to hold him up. ... He carefully hefted her limp body and held her against him like a child. More items....
1a : to walk lamely especially : to walk favoring one leg The injured player limped off the field. b : to go unsteadily : falter the conversation limped for some time— Henry Green. 2 : to proceed slowly or with difficulty the ship limped back to port. limp. noun..
How to Revive Wilted VegetablesTrim Any Parts You Don't Need. Cut away anything that is too wilted or not needed. ... Place the Produce in Ice Water. For most produce, you can submerge the food in a bucket or large bowl of ice water. ... Pat Dry. ... Use as You Normally Would.
Root vegetables (like carrots and radishes) and leafy greens (like lettuce and kale) go limp because of loss of moisture.
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