Can you eat the dirt on mushrooms?
Online Answer
Another point worth mentioning: Any time you purchase cultivated mushrooms, such as cremini, portobello or white button, and you see what looks like dirt in the package, you're not actually looking at dirt. These 'shrooms are grown in sanitized, composted peat moss, which is totally safe to eat.
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Jambalaya is like dirty rice, but it has chicken, sausage, spices, etc., mixed in rice. The main difference between paella and jambalaya is the seasonings. This makes a huge flavor difference in the rice. It usually comes with a side of Cajun dirty rice, or some form of jambalaya..
/ Dirty keto (or "lazy keto") allows you to basically eat whatever you want, so long as it's low carb. While this may sound super tempting, there are some things you should know before you start.
Okay in theory but easy to tip over and difficult to clean. Chickens will dirty any water over time as bits wash off their beaks when they drink leading to a gradual build-up of sediment in the water.
Burger KingBurger King: Dirtiest of All Fast Food Chains But recent headline-grabbing incidents aside, Burger King has repeatedly been deemed the dirtiest fast food chain of them all.
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