How do you know if its a complete sentence?
Online Answer
A complete sentence must have, at minimum, three things: a subject, verb, and an object. The subject is typically a noun or a pronoun. And, if there's a subject, there's bound to be a verb because all verbs need a subject. Finally, the object of a sentence is the thing that's being acted upon by the subject..
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6 Super Simple Tips for Writing Clear SentencesWhen you get it right, your content sings. "It" or "there" + "be" verbs: Relative clauses: To write clear sentences, write shorter. Slash your sentences in half. Insert periods instead of commas. It's unnecessarily long. The main idea gets lost along the way (she can't resist a cozy knit).
Creative Sentence StructuresBegin with a verb ending with -ing. ... Begin with a verb ending with -ed. ... Begin with a prepositional phrase. ... Begin with an adverb. ... Begin with an adjective. ... Begin with a phrase that tells when. ... Begin with a phrase that tells where. ... Begin with a sound word. .
The sentence I am. certainly has a subject (I) and a predicate (am), and it expresses a complete thought, as well. ... So when your school paper stated that I am. is the shortest sentence in English, its editors meant that it's the shortest non-elliptical sentence — without any understood words..
Follow these eight writing tips for crafting a short sentence that makes a statement:Start small. ... Think about what you're trying to say. ... Cut down your word count. ... Break up long sentences into two or more lines. ... Use the active voice. ... Remove redundant words. ... Lose fluff words. ... Write one-word and two-word sentences. More items...•6 days ago.
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