Is popped sorghum healthier than popcorn?
Online Answer
Like corn, sorghum grain has moisture locked inside it so it pops when heated in a dry skillet with oil. Sorghum popcorn is much healthier than corn, it's easier to digest, and is loaded with nutrients. Popped sorghum looks like tiny bonsai popcorn. It's so cute.
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Like corn, sorghum grain has moisture locked inside it so it pops when heated in a dry skillet with oil. Sorghum popcorn is much healthier than corn, it's easier to digest, and is loaded with nutrients. Popped sorghum looks like tiny bonsai popcorn. It's so cute.
Tiny sorghum grains, naturally gluten-free and densely nutritious, puff up beautifully when popped over high heat. You can snack on popped sorghum as you would on popcorn, either plain or sprinkled with chili powder or finely grated Parmesan cheese. It also makes a nutty, crunchy garnish for salads, soups and more..
Fact: Sorghum is used for animal feed, but it's also starting to make its way into human consumption in the U.S. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization, the world food consumption of sorghum has remained stagnant because it's considered in many countries as an inferior grain..
Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) and maize (Zea mays) are closely related members of the subfamily Panicoideae in the family Gramineae. ... Maize is a major cereal grain that is grown worldwide and ranks second only to wheat in total production area and second to rice in total amount produced (Farnham et al..
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