Should I sear a prime rib roast?
Online Answer
Cooking bone-in prime rib roast in the oven is easy.
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ESTIMATING YOUR ROASTServingsBone-In RoastBoneless Roast3–4 adults4 lb. (2 bones)3 lb.4–5 adults5 lb. (2-3 bones)4 lb.5–6 adults6 lb. (3 bones)5 lb.6–7 adults7 lb. (3-4 bones)6 lb.2 more rows.
Choose a rib roast that has a bright color with milky white fat. Avoid dull-colored meat and yellow fat. Also, look for even fat distribution and a good layer of fat around the ends. This isn't the time to look for the leaner cuts.
Go in at an angle in the middle of the cut, wait for a second, and then touch the tester to your wrist. If it's cold, the meat is raw. If it's warm—close to your body temperature—then the meat is medium rare. If it's hot, it's well done.
Here's what you should ask for at your local butcher shop:Ask for a three-bone rib roast. Ask for the chuck end, not the loin end. Ask for it to be bone-in. Ask for them to French it if you want it to look pretty.
around 30 minutesLetting your prime rib sit at room temperature for around 30 minutes before slicing it is called resting it, and resting your prime rib helps ensure it will be as juicy as possible. When you roast a piece of meat in a very hot oven, the juices from the outer regions flee toward the center of the roast.
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