What can happen if your hemoglobin is too low?
Online Answer
Hemoglobin, the substance that gives color to red blood cells, is the substance that allows for the transport of oxygen throughout the body. Low hemoglobin levels lead to anemia, which causes symptoms like fatigue and trouble breathing.
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Hemoglobin, the substance that gives color to red blood cells, is the substance that allows for the transport of oxygen throughout the body. Low hemoglobin levels lead to anemia, which causes symptoms like fatigue and trouble breathing.
The BIOSAFE Anemia Meter The BIOSAFEAnemia Meter is the first FDA-approved, hand-held device that can be conveniently used at home to test hemoglobin levels (Figure 1). Low levels of hemoglobin may indicate anemia. Thus, the Anemia Meter may be used as an additional screening method.
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