Why are they called Doritos?
Online Answer
Doritos means "little golden things" in Spanish Instead, the name was made up by Arch West, who decided to combine the Spanish word for gold, "oro," with Frito's suffix "-ito" and tacked a "D" in front because he felt like it. The resulting Doritos was approved and it's been the name of these tortilla chips ever since.
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Doritos detonation The tortilla chips catch fire after a couple of attempts on a windy afternoon. Once the fire takes, it spreads quickly, probably thanks to the coat of powdered seasoning, and they continue to burn steadily.
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Doritos means "little golden things" in Spanish Instead, the name was made up by Arch West, who decided to combine the Spanish word for gold, "oro," with Frito's suffix "-ito" and tacked a "D" in front because he felt like it. The resulting Doritos was approved and it's been the name of these tortilla chips ever since.
Not only is it high in sugar, salt (both of the "major pleasure solutes"), and umami tastants (hello MSG!) — all of which our taste buds love — it also contains acids, which cause a release of saliva and trigger the urge to eat. In other words, they're literally mouth-watering.
A LOT OF STUFF, FOR A LITTLE CHIP. Doritos have more than 30 ingredients, including corn, romano cheese, cheddar cheese, buttermilk, red and green bell pepper powder, and a whole lot of other things we can't pronounce.
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