Why do farmers dry grain before storing them?
Online Answer
If freshly harvested grains are stored without drying, they may get spoilt or attacked by organisms, losing their germination capacity. Hence, before storing them, the grains are properly dried under the sun to reduce the moisture in them.
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Once the stalk is dry, the grains are separated from them. ... Due to this, another method called threshing is used to separate the grains from stalks. Threshing involves beating the stalks to free the grain seeds from them. Sometimes, the use of bullocks or machines is also done for carrying out the process of threshing..
Uncooked grains You can eat raw grains like oats, amaranth, millet, barley, buckwheat and kamut.
Toast a tablespoon of amaranth seeds a time in a hot, dry skillet. Continually shake or stir until the seeds pop. Eat them as a snack or use them to top soups, salads, and vegetable dishes. We've also heard that popped amaranth can be used to bread tofu or meat but haven't given it a try yet.
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