How do New Yorkers say orange?
Online Answer
For New Yorkers, the name of the state Florida and its favorite fruit, the orange, have the vowel sound of the word "horrible" (no criticism intended since many New Yorkers love oranges when they retire in Florida!). In NYC both words are pronounced like the word "pot"..
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For New Yorkers, the name of the state Florida and its favorite fruit, the orange, have the vowel sound of the word "horrible" (no criticism intended since many New Yorkers love oranges when they retire in Florida!). In NYC both words are pronounced like the word "pot"..
How do YOU say pecan? It shows that pee-KAHN is dominant nationwide, but in areas of Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana and Mississippi, pick-AHN reigns supreme. PEE-can is popular on the East Coast and in New England, while folks from Wisconsin, northern Minnesota and Michigan's Upper Peninsula go with PEE-kahn.
Gyros [jahy-roh] Locals have added their NYC flair to the pronunciation of the Greek dish which is actually pronounced as "yee-roh"..
Frankfurters, wieners, red hots, floaters, hot dogs, or tube steaks — call them what you will, weenies are perfect summer fare, perhaps because they're so cheap, even the gourmet ones.
New Yorkers are in agreement: if a bagel is well made and fresh, you should never toast it. It would be like taking a perfectly cooked steak and throwing it back on the fire. A fresh bagel in New York City means it has been made in the past 5 hours.
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