How much green tea do you need to drink to lower cholesterol?
Online Answer
Make It Tea Time The secret ingredient in green tea to help lower your cholesterol? Antioxidants called catechins. One cup has between 50 and 100 mg of catechins. Get out your mug — across the studies, participants had between 3 and 10 cups a day..
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Amaranth leaves and stems are good economic sources of carotenoids, proteins, including the essential amino acids methionine and lysine, dietary fiber and minerals, such as magnesium, calcium, potassium, copper, phosphorus, zinc, iron, and manganese5–16.
by canned corn you mean the sweet one you put in the salad? I eat that straight out of the can. It's already cooked and soft.
Green apples have less sugar and carbs, and more fiber, protein, potassium, iron, and vitamin K, taking the lead as a healthier variety, although the differences are ever so slight. The only major difference in nutrition is that of vitamin A, which is almost twice more in green apples as compared to red apples.
Peeling of green potatoes will greatly reduce the levels of glycoalkaloids as they are localised just below the surface of the peel. However, if these potatoes taste bitter after peeling, then it's best not to eat them..
Green potatoes should be taken seriously. Although the green color itself is not harmful, it may indicate the presence of a toxin called solanine. Peeling green potatoes can help reduce solanine levels, but once a potato has turned green, it's best to throw it away.
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