What is the best hot dog in the world?
Online Answer
Forget Chicago and New York — the best hot dog in the world is in Iceland. Baejarins Beztu Pylsur is a popular hot dog stand in Reykjavik, Iceland. Since 1937, they have served up a unique hot dog with condiments of ketchup, sweet mustard, fried onion, raw onion, and rémoulade.
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Now, there's a new way to slice onions: spiralize them! ... By either using Blade A or Blade C, you can spiralize an onion and get different results. You can either "shred" the onion to get slices (that are perfect for sauteed onions) or you can get longer, curlier strands (that are perfect for frying or baking)..
Keep them in the dark: Potatoes and onions are best stored in the dark in a cool place (separately of course).
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